Venerable Dhammasami
(1965 - )
Sri Saddhatissa International Buddhist Centre, London
He completed the Dhammacariya degree ( a degree in Buddhist literature) at the age of 19 being just a novice (Samanera) in the Dhammacariya Examination held by the Government in 1985. He also has the same degree in Shan medium in the Dhammacariya Examination held in Shan State 1986. He taught in Aung Mye Bon Tha Shan Pariyatti Temple in Yangon (Rangoon) before leaving for Sri Lanka in 1990 to proceed his postgraduate studies.
Apart from the Dhammacariya degrees in Myanmar, He holds one MPhil and two MA degrees from two Sri Lankan Universities. While in Colombo, he taught at YMBA for four years. He also joined the Buddhist missionary work in Thailand in 1989.
He has been teaching Buddhism to children and adults alike at the Sri Saddhatissa International Buddhist Centre, London since 1996. He conducts Vipassana meditation on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. He speaks Shan, Burmese, Thai, English and Pali. He is at the moment studying for a DPhil degree in 'Aspects of Theravada Buddhism in Burma, Thailand and Sri Lanka' at the University of Oxford as an full-time student.