| :::Biography::: |
| Sayadaw was born on Tuesday the 14th of Tabodwe 1261, ME. (27 February 1900). The son of U Zaw Ti and Daw Ohn Hlaing in Tha-yine villege, ShweBo district, Sagaing Division. |
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| In 1266, he was sent to the local monastery and became a novice Sangha, samanera, for the first time. |
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| In 1275, he was initiated for the second time as a samanera and it was to spend his life-time as a disciple of the Buddha in his dispensation. |
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| In 1279, at the age of 18, he passed the Government Examination of the Higher Level Pathamagyi. |
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| In 1280, he took his ordination on the full-moon day of Tabaung. |
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| In 1281, he took the ordination for the second time on the full-moon day of Nayon and the third time on the full-moon day of Tabaung. |
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| In 1283, on the first waxing day of Kasone, he was acknowledged as a instructor in Pakhokku by the most distinguished teachers. |
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| In 1287, he passed the Government Pathamagyaw examination. |
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| In 1289, he got the title of Pariyattisasanahita Dhammacariya. |
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| In 1312, he was conferred an Aggamahapandita title. |
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| In 1315, he was given the following positions to perform the multi-tasks at the Sixth Buddhist Council ... |
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| 1) Chattha Sangiti Ovadacariya Sangha Nayaka |
| 2) Chattha Sangiti Bharanittharaka |
| 3) Chattha Sangiti Palipativisodhaka |
| 4) Chattha Sangiti Osanasodheyyapattapathaka |
| In 1337, he was appointed as a Second Chief Abbot at the Council wide meeting of ShweKyin in Pegu. |
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| In 1339; he passed away at the age of 78 at 04:30 pm, on the 2nd waning of Nattaw (Tues, 27 December 1977). |