Kamti or Hkamti
The trip to the Naga region of Northwestern Myanmar (Burma) begins with a special charter flight from Mandalay to Khamti, a small town on the Chindwin River.A view of Khamti along the banks of the Chindwin River, the eastern edge of Naga territory.
It's an 8-9 hour butt busting drive via truck to the village of Lahe, the site of this year's Naga New Year's Festival. Shown is one of the trucks making a pit stop after breaking part of the chassis. Some on-the-spot welding and we are on our way!
The next step is to get to the western side of the Chindwin via river boat.
These two gentlemen show off their "head taking" baskets, adorned with monkey skulls, dyed goat hair, and boar tusks. Pangmi tribe
A couple of young members of the Naga group who had trekked for several days to attend the New Year's Festival. Pangmi tribe
Before the Festival starts, we trek four hours to the neighboring village of Makyar, not previously visited by westerners until today. Shown is the trail through the forest and the approach of the last hill before arrival.
Along the trail we meet various Naga men and women making their way to Lahe for the Festival.
A view of Lahe in the background with three of the local Nagas.
Typical Naga style homes.
Finally, the village of Makyar! Macham tribe
The young chief of one Naga village shows off his heirloom Tiger Teeth necklace. Pangmi tribe
Smiles from a beautiful young Naga woman we met along the way.
Note the "Joker" plastic bag attached to the shirt of this man and the tattoos on his jaw. Macham tribe
A close-up of one of the homes in Makyar.
Everyone is curious about the "big white monsters" that have invaded their quiet little part of the world.
Lots of colorful hand made cloth of the type found in this area of Nagaland.
One of the men shows off his "fighting" style.
The Macham tribe people of Makyar come out to greet the first westerners to visit their village since WWII.
The village Shaman invites us in for some rice wine and a look around his "digs". Then it is time to head back to Lahe under the "protection" of our military escort.